Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Euchre Strategy: Hand of the week number 1

I hope you’ve been pondering the euchre hand of the week from yesterday’s post.

Today, we’ll discuss whether you should order it up or not.

There are a couple of missing pieces of information that are critical for you to know before you can answer the question, should I order it up or not?

You need to know the current score and which seat you are sitting in.

How to Order
The first step in deciding to order or not is to evaluate the power of the hand using the point system. With diamonds as trump, this hand is worth 5 points. Pretty much based on hand strength alone, you should always pass this hand. But making this decision based on hand strength alone will not lead to superior euchre play. Here are some situations where Passing wouldn’t be your best choice.

Order it up if…
1. You are sitting in seat 1 and the game score is 9-6 or 9-7. This euchre donation strategy will prevent a loner and possible immediate victory by the opponents.

2. You are in seat 1, it is passed around to you and your team has either 6, 7 or 9 points. With a score of 6 or 7, you should order up green, and go alone with Spades as trump. This gives you a chance for immediate victory. With 9 points, just order it up and win the game. With 8 points you should bag and let the opponents (or your partner) order something. The chances of you euchring them are pretty good. With all other scores not yet mentioned, you should order it up in green.

Tomorrow, we'll look at how you might play this hand.

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